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Need to Report Abuse?

You’re doing the right thing. Thank you for being brave.

The person you’re reporting will never be told who made the report. No one is tracking your phone, email, or computer when you take this courageous step. And there’s no appointment necessary, a trained professional will answer you right away and carefully listen to your observations and concerns.

Step 1

If you’re concerned for a loved one or friend, call the NYS Child Abuse Hotline at 1.800.342.3720.

If you’re concerned for a minor who is your student, patient, or other child associated with your profession, call 1.800.635.1522.

Step 2

An operator will help you, and if appropriate, register the call in the State Central Register.

Step 3

This prompts an official investigation by local Child Protective Services.

Anonymity Policy: We know reporting or even suspecting child abuse can cause worry and fear. To ensure your information is confidential, we do not track or record your phone, computer, or any device that accesses this site. This website was created by a non-profit organization.